
Showing posts from October, 2017
Hello Wonderful Homeowners, Its almost the end of the year and the HOA has made lots of strides and significant progress on our budget maintenance and communication.We could not have done this without all of you as our homeowners from staying engaged and paying dues.However, most of all loving your community and trusting us to make the best moves for all of us. So with that being said, I wanted to give an update on what the HOA has been up to, last week we had our budget mee ting and discussed projects and plans we have for next year. We will post the minutes on the HOA portal so you can all see what was considered this is just a summary. 1. We will start to see some color in the next month to come I do not want to spoil too much but surprise you all  :) 2. We will post the new committees that we will have next year, and we have chairs for most of them so get ready to volunteer. 3. Expect newsletters in the future of events and update like this. 4. Doggy poop stations 5