
Showing posts from May, 2018

Pool Opening Update 3

Hello Yall, I am proud to announce that the pool is open for fun we are also updating the pool hours form 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Please make sure you all stay safe around the pool we installed a brand new 911 phone so please notice it as you walk in just in case of an emergency. Please be advised of pool rules all children must be with an adult. If the pool rules are violated posable suspensions can take place we want t=o make sure you all are safe. We will have a party of some sort but we have a few items that we must address before we can. Also look forward to movie nights and activities at the pool this summer. Have a great Holiday weekend and thank you for being a Princeton meadows homeowner/renter/neighbor.

Plant Grim Reaper

Hello Homeowners, I wanted to give a separate update outside of pool water goodness that will happen next week. I have noticed around the park area of Princeton meadows there are a lot of shrubs that are having a tough time Next week we are having a soil sample done to understand what is killing some of the shrubs and so fast the test will be no charge to the HOA but it will  give us a better understanding of what we need to add to our soil since it has been without nutrients for a long time. We will also weed around all of the flower beds and see what needs to be done to prevent weeds from taking over the flowers. We will be replacing the tree in the above image. As for irrigation, we have discovered that some of the lines were maliciously cut by we believe construction workers over a dispute over a broken pipe. It's getting hot out there so the grass and flowers need a pool as well :). We plan to have it back and operational next week

Pool Opening Update 2

Hello homeowners, This is the time you all have been waiting for We plan on the pool opening mid-week next week. We have a few items that we want to make sure that is 100% for safety and comfort. Please be mindful of the pool rules this year. 1. NO DIVING! This pool is too shallow for safe diving! 2. No running around the pool. 3. No forced dunking of others. 4. NO GLASS ALLOWED IN POOL AREA! 5. No Alcohol in the pool area. 6. Children under 18 years of age require an accompanying adult member. 7. All persons entering the pool area must be instructed on the use of the 911 Emergency push 7 button/speakerphones. 8. No pets allowed in the pool area. 9. Members, family members, and guests must abide by the pool safety guidelines. 10. All persons will clean up the pool area, common area, and grounds after use. 11. Users can be held responsible for damages to the facility or commons, & missing equipment. 12. Guests must be registered two (2) days in ad

Pool Opening Update 1

Hello Homeowners, We are almost ready to have the pool open there are a few things that we are taking care of. We are making sure the grounds are prepared so things such as weeding and dare taking place as well as taking care of the ant problem around the pool there's nothing like an ant bit=te to ruin the pool evening fun. We Also have new more extra items we will release a pool party form to allow you to reserve times at the pool. But note this does not mean the pool can be shut down it means that it helps us coordinate some things and help others know f busy times at the pool. We will also try to have free Wifi available at the time of the pool opening but maybe about a week out. We also plan to have a pool party but more information as time progresses since the timeline is a bit fluid until everything is greenlighted on our end. Pool Access if you currently have a pool pass card you need to complete the online form that will be posted soon to our website to validate

Please keep an eye out for my friend's sweet girl!!! Message form Princeton Mother

Message form Princeton Mother neighboring subdivision  Tayler is missing. She left last night after a few attempts prior this week. She went from nearly straight As and being involved with drama, The VFW Auxiliary, scouts and cheer to a totally different person this past month. We can’t find her and love her dearly. It was her choice to leave because of reasons neither my husband, her brothers or I understand. Please let me know if you’ve heard anything.