
Showing posts from September, 2018

Attack of the army worms

Armyworms are green-striped caterpillar larvae of the adult armyworm moth. Armyworms got their name because they travel in small armies, eating everything in their paths. A common pest of grass, armyworms will also eat corn, beets, beans, clover, flax, millet, and other grains. There are specific steps you can take to remove armyworm infestations from your grass or fields. Additionally, there are some natural methods for keeping armyworms at bay. NOTE FORM THE HOA It has been reported that a few homeowners are under attach from eth armyworms the HOA is taking measures to spray the common areas tomorrow to prevent damage to existing grass. PLEASE be mindful and make sure your pers are not walking on the grass to protect the animals we want to make sure our little friends don't get sick. SOME USEFUL TIPS 1.  Look for early signs.  Because they feed at night, you may not see the caterpillars right away. Brown spots on your lawn are often the first sign that

PMHOA 1st Annual National Night Out Event 2018

Tentative Agenda 4:00 Vendors start to setup 4:25 Table setup 4:30 Start Cooking  with the veterans 5:00 DJ Setup 5:15 Serving food starts 5:30 Fire Department speaks Police department Speaks 5:40 Facepainting Starts 6:00 DJ Cleanup and Wrestling Event kickoff 6:20 Food Cleanup 6:30 Vendors wrapup 7:30 Closing of Event VENDORS and Attendees Advent Security group  - home security Boy Scouts of America SOAR Wrestling  State Farm Insurance Code Blue Roofing  US Veterans Maybe More....... GAMES (if time permits) Egg Between legs race Sack Race Balloon dart board

PMHOIA Funding Source (Final Update)

Hello Homeowners, I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who participated in this community decision. The pool results and voting has closed any vote after today will not be counted I extended the date just in case the community had more questions for the board. The board has many variables to review before a final decision is made We also had a lot of recommendations and, and the biggest goal for us as a community is making sure our money is going in the right place and making sure we can see value out of what we all pay our hard earned money for. I wanted to reiterate that the goal of the board is to do what's best for the community. I want to say that we as a community have come a long way form no money to building up a reserve. The community has a few more significant projects that we must address before it becomes a bigger issue or a point of no return scenario. All of us on the board love to hear from you and get any ideas and recommendation.

Public Meeting - Downtown Princeton Vision Project


PMHOA Funding Source Information (Communication 2)

Hello Homeowners, I wanted to update everyone on the status of the HOA funding project and give a few more stats that will help you make a decision. The board is also looking to have something at the pool this Friday i will post more information once we have good times for everyone and ensure weather permits. Below are a few implications of the three items that you all will help the board decide on. Option 1. NO Action needed - The implications of the board taking no action and sticking to the 5-year plan will work but requires a lot of sacrifices. 1. For example, anything that the HOA adds to the reserve account will be used for pool resurfacing since we are getting close to the point of no return. 2. Late fees will not be waived as often since that's a hard cost at times to the HOA. 3. The landscape is expensive and to correct the issues that we have cant be addressed until the pool is fully funded. 4. No events for the HOA  for the remainder of the 5-year plan 5.

PMHOA Funding Source Information (Communication 1)

Hello Homeowners, I hope you all have had an awesome labor day and if you had the day off enjoying your day back. I wanted to give you all an update on the HOA and the upcoming budget that the board had the chance to review last week. We are in good shape with balancing the budget and creating that much-needed reserve account that's well over 10K as of now. As a homeowner, the board wants to ensure that we provide the best experience for you as a homeowner loving your neighborhood is one of the critical factors that you made when you purchased your home in Princeton Meadows. Recently there have been many new developments springing up around us, and our neighborhood needs to look and feel on par with others. After careful consideration, the board has come up with a few recommendations on a budget that we will need to decide on as a community to ensure that Princeton meadows can be that neighborhood that has the potential to be. Below are the recommendations that we all