
Showing posts from November, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving 2019

Hello Homeowners, As we prepare for Thanksgiving and the holidays that follow, we should pause and reflect on the many blessings that we enjoy—our loved ones, our freedoms as Americans, and to live in a great neighborhood such as Princeton meadows. We have made many improvements and tried many things this year as we grew smarter and stronger and more efficient Princeton meadows will be that neighborhood everyone wants to live in. In my case, I feel extraordinarily grateful to be serving you like the HOA president. And I am working with some of the best people I know that are dedicated hardworking and all-around great people. Thank you, Mark, Cheryl, Dani, Stephanie, Rosemary as well as our dedicated and hardworking contractors Tactical Landscaping and others. So, at a time when w e traditionally give thanks, allow me—on behalf of our Board and the MNI  team—to thank you for being a homeowner in our community and taking pride in Princeton Meadows's home for our fa

Community Update 11/8/19

Hello Homeowners, I wanted to get you all an update it has been a bit since we have sent one but that is because we have been working on various changes. I want to start off by saying thanks to everyone this year that has been actively involved in activities and helping when you can. I am not just talking about community events but how you all have helped and worked with each other as a community. The first message that I would like to deliver is that we will be switching management company effective 11/7/19. We are working on a transition plan but should be seamless to you all except your letters will no longer say First service residential but MNI. As a community dealing with FSR has not been pleasant and overall good for our community. The next Message is that we are in transition to a new Landscaper we have taken bids most fo the year and have found a landscaper that is responsive and has a great track record. Next on the agenda is we are also changing the pool maintena