
Showing posts from June, 2020

Pool notice

Hello Homeowners, The pool is now open, but the restrooms are closed for the season. Please practice social distancing if someone does not belong in the pool please call. Princeton PD anyone in the pool area without identification and pool card will be considered trespassing and will receive a CT. Any homeowner that has not completed the COVID waiver online by going to the Princeton meadows website and checking the news section will have their cards deactivated this weekend. The wait time to have them reactivated is about three weeks. Please take care of the pool area and be vigilant of nonhomeowners in the pool area. PPS...... Please be safe and smart if you are sick, stay in your home. I will bring you a bucket of water.

Pool Opening COVID 19 Waiver

OPEN DATE SCHEDULED FOR 6/20/2020  Hello homeowners, I want to start off by saying thank you for understanding the late opening of the pool. We will schedule to have the pool open this weekend, permitting that we get all of our required signage in. With that being said, everyone that enters the pool is required to sign a COVID 19 waiver informing you that there is a risk in a public place such as the community pool. Anyone that does not complete the reservation will have their cards deactivated on opening day and will posable be a delay in reactivating, so please complete the waiver. The restrooms will be closed for the remainder of the season as well as pool furniture will not be available at the pool location. The pool hours will be the same as last year unless the times are abused, and the pool will have limited hours. WAIVER FORM