Pool Repair update 2

Hello Homeowners,

Another update on the pool closing the rain has not been our friend this week. With the rain happening 3 days in a row we have been moved back on the schedule for the pol tech to come and investigate. The schedule has been moved to 6/12/18 But the tech did come and do an initial look and stated the investigation to find the issue will take about 8 hrs. The investigation fee will be about $1,360 note this doe not include fixing the pool this is just to diagnose the entire pool to find the issue. More updates to come as soon as I get more information I will let you all now.

NOTES: Pool Expoensives YTD
Pool filter sand replacement $1,400
Pool Pumps X2 $1,850
Pool Emergency Phone $700.00
Pool Diagnosis  $1,360

EST Total  5K


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