Halloween Statement from HOA


Hello Homeowners, 

There have been many questions on what the HOA is doing for Halloween, and I wanted to send this message out and get everyone on the same page or suggest some ideas. Of course, the HOA can't tell you how to run your Halloween festivities, but we would like to provide some ideas that can keep you and your family safe when it comes to the Pandemic and your health. Here are some ideas.

  1. On Halloween, if you chose to participate in the Halloween festivities and passing out candy, leave your light on to indicate that you have the goods. Anyone not wanting to participate can leave their lights off. This technique is something that is commonly done during Halloween night.
  2. If you want to participate in the Halloween festivities, but want to make sure you and your family stay safe and germ-free, you can set up a stool or something outside your door with a bowl of candy and adhere to the honor system.

Safety Tips Suggestions:

    Wear a mask if you wish to be in close contact with a lot of trick or treaters.
  1. Wash hands after every spooky visit.  
  2. Observe your surroundings.  
  3. If participating in getting treats, wipe candy packaging down before you eat it. 


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